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Writing Workshops

Advanced Story Workshop with Emily Nemens


6 Sessions

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Once a week Mondays, 6:30 pm EDT - 8:30 pm EDT July 8 to August 12, 2024

Online via Zoom

How do you get a good story from idea to page and across the finish line? Improve how you edit yourself and give productive feedback to others with the guidance of a seasoned story editor. In this class for experienced fiction writers, we’ll workshop short stories each week, read published essays and stories together, and talk about elements of craft and story that both inform the pieces at hand and, hopefully, move your practice forward in ways that can be sustained long after the workshop is complete. We’ll discuss approaches and processes for everything from big, scene-slashing edits to the micro—when and where to considering a sentence’s cadence and word choice—while working toward preparing short fiction for publication.

This class is best suited for fiction writers with experience in story writing and some familiarity with creative writing workshops. The reading list and workshop schedule are built around and informed by student work, so all stories are due three weeks before the start of the course (mid-June).

Course Outline: Each week we will workshop two stories and discuss a published story or essay.

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Led by

  • EmilyNemens_WEB-min - Emily Nemens Large

    Emily Nemens

    Emily Nemens

    Emily Nemens is the author of the novel The Cactus League, and her fiction has appeared in BOMB, the Gettysburg Review, the Iowa Review, and elsewhere. Emily has spent a dozen years editing literary quarterlies, including leading the Paris Review, which won its first American Society of Magazine Editors’ Award for Fiction under her tenure; she also served as co-editor of the Southern Review. She has taught creative writing at Appalachian State University, the University of Leipzig, Drew University, and in community-based workshops.