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The Art of the Short Story

The Art of the Short Story: Wil Weitzel on Nights from This Galaxy with John Freeman

March 22, 2023

The Center for Fiction is pleased to welcome our Emerging Writer Fellowship alum, Wil Weitzel, for the launch of Nights from This Galaxy, his debut set of deep, lush short stories that are full of wonder; the collection’s tales range from a couple that cares for a starving lion to a boy held captive by a dangerous old man who hunts dogs for sport. In conversation with writer and critic John Freeman (The Future of New Writing), the literary duo will explore the craft of fiction, the work’s fierce characters, and our shared human fragility and the imminent grief that binds us all.

In Conversation

  • Weitzel_AuthorPhoto - Vrinda Madan

    Wil Weitzel

    Wil Weitzel

    Wil Weitzel received a PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University and an MFA in Fiction Writing from New York University Writers Workshop in Paris. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Conjunctions, Crazyhorse, EPOCH, Kenyon Review, The O. Henry Prize Stories, and Prairie Schooner, among others. He received an Emerging Writer Fellowship at The Center for Fiction and won the Washington Square Review Flash Fiction Award. His fiction has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and been a finalist for the American Short Fiction Halifax Ranch Prize. His creative nonfiction was recognized as notable in The Best American Essays, and he is currently at work on a novel focused on the natural world and connecting with other species.

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    John Freeman

    John Freeman

    John Freeman is an executive editor at Alfred A. Knopf and the founding editor of Freeman’s, a literary annual, the latest theme of which is animals. He is also the author and editor of a dozen books, including several works of nonfiction, and three volumes of poetry, the latest of which is Wind, Trees. In 2020 he completed a trilogy of anthologies about inequality with Tales of Two Planets, a book about the ways the world is experiencing the climate crisis at different rates. His work has been translated into more than twenty languages and appeared in the New Yorker, the Paris Review, Orion and Zyzzyva. Every month he hosts The California Book Club, an online discussion of a new classic in Golden State literature, sponsored by Alta magazine.