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Writing Workshops

History in Literary Fiction and Memoir with Dawn Raffel (Sold Out)


4 Sessions

Out of stock

Once a week Tuesdays, 7:00 pm EDT - 9:00 pm EDT September 12 to October 3, 2023

Online via Zoom

This workshop has reached its capacity. To join the waitlist, please email Randy Winston at [email protected].

This workshop is for anyone weaving historical and archival research into fiction, memoir, and hybrid work. How do you handle the unknowns, the “holes,” the people and perspectives missing from the records? Where might you find surprising information, beyond the reach of Google? How do you avoid an information dump and make the work sing? How closely must you hew to the facts in search of the deeper truths? We will share some tools and insights, and will discuss works in progress.

Course Outline
  • Week 1: We’ll begin with an interactive exercise focusing on perception and interpretation, and the importance of understanding our own preconceptions. Next, we’ll discuss ways to find information beyond the scope of Google and AI. We’ll talk about library archives, historical societies, Freedom of Information requests, property deeds, vital records, and probate records, as well as original reporting. We’ll also talk about filling in the holes where information and points of view have not been recorded at all. How do you reconstruct what might have happened?
  • Weeks 2–4: This is a chance to share your works in progress and the challenges you’re facing. Each participant will get feedback and suggestions from the group.

Capacity: 12


Led by

  • Dawn Raffel

    Dawn Raffel

    Dawn Raffel

    Dawn Raffel is the author of six books, most recently Boundless as the Sky, a hybrid collection incorporating fiction, image, and early 20th Century history, amid the rise of both fascism and technology. The title novella, set at the 1933 Chicago World’s fair, is told through multiple perspectives, including “ordinary” people and sideshow performers whose voices have been lost to history books. Her previous book, The Strange Case of Dr. Couney, is historical narrative nonfiction based on deep archival research. Other books include a nationally bestselling memoir, The Secret Life of Objects, two story collections and a novel. She has taught creative writing at International Literary Seminars (previously Summer Literary Seminars) in Kenya, Russia, Lithuania, and Canada. You can keep up with Dawn by following her on Instagram at @dawnraffel, or on Twitter at @dawnraffel.